There are really only two ways of living one’s life. The first one is to live your life as if your worth is measured by the accumulation of whatever friends, accomplishments, jobs, titles, and purchases you have gathered. Our entire life must then be lived as a pursuit towards wholeness. The assumption here is that we are innately broken,.. insufficient,.. incomplete. We work, consume, and relate from this assumption, defining ourselves as we go, and chasing a sense of worth that is never finally achieved, though we try so hard. Seeking approval and completion in others, in our accomplishments, and in our purchases, our happiness seems always conditional – dependent upon external factors. Though we effort desperately to fill our heartspace with love, we remain ever emptied by this hole of unworthiness.
The other way of living is to recognize that you are worthy and complete from birth. That your wholeness is right here with your first breath, and with each and every breath that follows. From this recognition of our inherent wholeness, our life becomes a precious opportunity to live and express from this place of always being enough, always being o.k – even when we’re not. Our heartspace overflows from within, and we are able to receive and give this love, unconditionally, to others. To think, speak and act knowing that you, and everyone around you, is already worthy of love, kindness, acceptance and compassion is the path towards joy.