When I first met Dr. Mark Sherman in the fall of 2015 at a Mindfulness and Medicine retreat for Physicians, I had no idea how this meeting would change my life, and set me on a path with one of the most compassionate and knowledgeable teachers of mindfulness and meditation. Since that time, I have attended similar retreats or workshops with Dr. Sherman, at least once a year — sometimes twice. I learn something new every time. In every case, the room of health care professionals, tired and facing burnout, has been welcomed to a safe, communal space in which to be quiet, reflect, share, breathe, learn, grow, and heal.
I have absolutely no doubt that these practices have been instrumental in my ability to navigate a diagnosis of depression, a divorce, and a return to work as a general surgeon. I can honestly say that it has been my privilege to know Dr. Sherman as my teacher and friend, and I am incredibly grateful for his impact on my life. Back in 2015 things were looking pretty bleak for me. I can now say that the practices of mindfulness and meditation have given my life a richer understanding of joy, love, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, community, and living fully in the present moment. And I am a better person, mother, and physician for it.